(DADIU 2019)
In 2019 i took part in the DADIU program at the National Film School of Denmark. Over the course of 3 months my team created a small Android game called, Enhance.
Enhance is a game about a robot that works in a factory during the day and engages in robot social media (Instabot) during the evening. Here the robot spends his hard earned work money on body enhancements, which he finds on Instabot. All to gain more followers and likes. When the robot gets enough followers, he will be offered a "better" job at another factory. With every new job, the factories get cleaner and more hi-tech, but also colder and more sterile. The robot finds, that he has to work even faster with every new job.
The gameplay is a mix of arcade and idle scrolling.
My role was composing music and creating sound effect, as well as programming and implementation audio into the game.
The game is build in Unity, and audio was implemented with Wwise.
Get Enhance on Google Play
Enhance trailer
Enhance - work gameplay
Enhance -Instabot gameplay
Audio assets
Work environments
Work is a big part of the game, and unlocking new work environment is a central part of the story and player progression. The game has three different work environments.
The music and soundscapes/ambiences changes with each environment. As the player progresses, the sounds and music becomes less mechanical and more sci-fi, while the underlying mood becomes less innocent and increasingly sinister.

Soundscapes & ambiences
Presented with concept art that inspired the environments